Our Clinical Approach


Our Clinical Approach is what sets us apart from other Skilled Nursing Facilities or stereotypes. We are proud to be transparent and detailed about our Approach.

Every Revive Health Senior Care Management facility will address Nursing, Sleep, Diet, Exercise & Rehabilitation, Activities & Life Enrichment, Technology, Post Discharge Plan, Dementia Care, and Behavioral Health specifically for the environment and residents that make-up each facility. However, our guiding principles are detailed in each section.

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The most important part of any Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is the nursing staff. However, the average turnover rate for a Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in the United States is 100%! Such a high turnover rate indicates a lack of institutional memory and continuity of care. Revive Health Senior Care Management believes in employee education, development, and growth. We strive to support our employees so they can be the best at their jobs. We offer a variety of benefits to our employees, including educational opportunities and wellness programs.


Diet is 1 of 3 cornerstones of health and recuperation most modern Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) ignore. Curiously, the quality of food in most health care institutions has largely been neglected. Whether it be hospitals or SNFs, the resident diet is an afterthought. At Revive Health Senior Care Management, a healthy diet is paramount in our clinical pathway. There are many divergent and contradictory diet plans available, but we recommend that all of our residents and staff read, “The End of Diabetes.” We encourage a diet of meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. The key is no sugar. We do recognize this diet plan is not for everyone, particularly for a long-term habit (yes, we love ice cream!). However, there are tremendous benefits to keeping this diet in the short-term, especially for the first 30 days of your stay at a Revive Health Senior Care facility, and we strive to work with each resident on this diet plan, or any modifications.

Activities & Life Enrichment

It has been proven that socialization improve the quality of life and happiness. It also delays the progression of dementia. Despite the continued clinical evidence of the importance of socialization and engagement, most Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) and post-acute care facilities treat their Life Enrichment/Activities Departments as just a necessary and mandated part of the staff composition. At a Revive Health Senior Care Management facility, in recognition of the demonstrable impact these team members and their programming has on the quality of life of our residents, their roles are prioritized. When possible, we maintain a robust number of staff for this department and a generous budget. Our goal is for each resident to have at least 2 things every day that they enjoy on their calendar; private studies, like naps and reading a book, don’t count! 

Post Discharge Plan

At facilities managed by Revive Health Senior Care Management, we believe that our job, the provision of post acute care, does not stop at the time of discharge. In fact, neither does the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or the Federal Oversight Agency for all Nursing Homes and Skilled Nursing Facilities. When a resident is admitted to one of our nursing homes, the discharge plan begins at the time of admission. Our team will work with the resident and their family to develop a comprehensive plan, including answering questions like where the meals are coming from, who is going to help in the shower, what types of appointments someone has post discharge, or how to get to those appointments. Additionally, we will follow-up with residents post discharge to ensure that the plan that was developed during the resident's stay remains in place.

Behavioral Health

Mental Health issues are a serious epidemic in today's society, especially in the Senior Care population. Often, factors that impact seniors such as the death of a friend, or the failure of a family member to visit, can have a profound impact on mental health. Sometimes, unfortunately, these types of influences can also induce behaviors in the elderly, which can be problematic from a care perspective. There is a wide variation in the types of behaviors that can be exhibited and some, such as refusing to shower, self-isolation, behaving inappropriately, are more difficult to treat or manage than others. Although not all of these behaviors can be managed or cared for in a Skilled Nursing Facility, many can. We have a team of clinicians that have experience with both mental health and behavioral health issues. 


Sleep is 1 of 3 cornerstones of health and recuperation most modern Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) ignore. In many SNFs, labs are drawn at 5 AM. In hospitals, patients are woken up multiple times per night. And worst of all, have you ever tried to sleep on a hospital or nursing home mattress? We encourage all of our residents and staff to read, “Why We Sleep.” Sleep is essential towards the body recuperating and maintaining health. No shortcuts can or should be taken in this process and ignoring this part of the process can have serious long-term effects. We take methodical steps in both the physical design of our buildings and resident rooms to facilitate the necessary sleeping habits.

Exercise & Rehabilitation

Exercise is 1 of 3 cornerstones of health and recuperation most modern Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) ignore. Before we elaborate, it’s important to discuss the difference between a healthy exercise program and the exercise that a Physical Therapist (PT), Occupational Therapist (OT), or Speech Therapist (ST) provides. In all SNFs, PT, OT, and ST will be provided as these 3 disciplines are a mainstay in all facilities, as they are necessary to address post-acute and post-hospitalization issues, but these Therapists are grossly underutilized in most SNF and Rehabilitation Centers. The average length of stay in a SNF is 21 days, across the United States (this is for all diagnoses). How is this possible? The answer is simple and frightening. Insurance only covers the recuperation/rehab on an inpatient setting until they are able to function independently on their own, not until they are 100% healed. In reality, it can take the average 70 year old up to 6 months just for his/her bones to be fully recovered. The problem, in our opinion, with the current post-acute care model is that it doesn’t address the long-term issue of lack of appropriate exercise. As individuals age, they lose bone density and muscle mass. There is no permanent fix to the issue, but there are universally proven approaches to improve the quality of life, reduce occurrence of injury, and prevent future injuries with an exercise plan. Our goal is to provide a personalized exercise program for each resident so they can achieve the highest level of independence and autonomy.


Each Revive Health Senior Care facility operates using an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. This is critical for continuity of care, data-driven analysis of patient care, and enabling uniformity and transparency for all residents.

Aside from an EMR, Revive Health Senior Care Management is currently testing the implementation of Smart Home Devices (Amazon Alexa and Google Home), Smart Watches, and Smart Televisions in each resident room to provide a more enjoyable and safe environment for our residents.

Dementia Care

By the age of 85, between 25-50% of the population exhibits some signs and symptoms of dementia. At a certain point, depending on an individual's ability to self-care, dementia is going to necessitate a stay in an institutional care facility, like a nursing home or assisted living center. When looking for an institutional care setting for your loved one, we are here to help and help answer any questions you might have. Even more importantly, we can help navigate the difficult financial questions families have when it comes to paying for long-term institutional care.